Breast Cancer Now Apps

iBreastCheck 1.3.6
Breast Cancer Now
One in eight women in the UK will getbreastcancer in their lifetime. The earlier the cancer is found,thebetter the chance of beating it. This app will help women bebreastaware and could make all the difference.The app includes a breast check video and the ability to setyourown breast check reminders, as well as information about howtosupport Breast Cancer Now - the UK’s largest breast cancercharity,created by the merger of Breast Cancer Campaign andBreakthroughBreast Cancer.iBreastCheck was the winner of the New Media AgeEffectivenessAwards 2011 (Charity and Voluntary Sector), and afinalist in theTechnology4Good Awards 2011; Marketing Week EngageAwards 2011(Charity and Voluntary Sector); CIPR Excellence Awards2011(Healthcare category); Third Sector Excellence Awards 2011(BestUse of Digital); PR Week Awards 2011 (Not for Profitcategory); andCharity Times Awards 2011 (Best Use ofTechnology).
Breast Check Now 3.1.7
Breast Cancer Now
Helps you to be breast aware and make checking your breasts part ofyour routine